Concept Mapping: A Step Towards Meaningful Learning


  • Shivani Gupta Research Scholar, Department of Education, University of Lucknow
  • Prof. Amita Bajpai Department of Education, University of Lucknow


Concept Mapping, meaningful Learning


People often complain that children lack the capacity to learn but the reality is most of the children can actually learn a great deal. Most of the problem arise from inactive process of knowledge gaining which only demands cramming of facts. Consequently they find themselves unable to create strong connections between concepts and thus learning remains just as a bundle of information without any connection with practical life  and they found it boring. Contrary to meaningful learning, in rote learning, new concepts are added to the learner's mind in an unplanned  way, creating  a frail and temporary cognitive  structure which soon deteriorate after the examinations especially in slow learners. Rote learning have a very little contribution in the formation of cognitive structure of  students as they find themselves unable to relate isolated concepts automatically but if  students  observe  a  systematic and comprehensible view of v concepts concerning  to their daily lives, then they would be able to develop a better understanding and  of these concepts. Concept mapping could be an effective  way  to enable the students to think about connections between what is being learned, systematize  their thoughts, visualize relationships between key concepts in a organized manner and application of their understanding.

The present paper will deal with the nature of concept mapping, steps of its construction with its uses for educators and learners and it application in general.




How to Cite

Gupta, S., & Bajpai, A. (2023). Concept Mapping: A Step Towards Meaningful Learning. International Research Journal of Educational Psychology, 7(2), 01–05. Retrieved from